Hello, emerging from my hole again to write about nothing in particular. Just leaving my mark I suppose, like my cat shredding the corner of the couch.
IMPORTANT: Not sure how many eyes see these news posts, but: Good friend @ADR3-N is currently in a bit of a financial pickle. Any contributions to their Ko-fi or Gumroad (good stuff on here, Adreanaline gets used in a lot of my projects and the CTK-2400 is also great... which I keep telling myself I'll use eventually) will be of help. Adrean does great work around the audio portal and forums, so it's in all of our interest to help out.
Anyways, back to the couch shredding.
Earlier this month I was lucky enough to see HEALTH live in NZ. I say lucky because it's rare for musical acts to bother extending their tours to our country, even if they get as close as Australia. It's rarer still when slightly niche, non-radio friendly acts make their way over here too, especially when they wouldn't be able to sell out a large venue like MCR, Slipknot or... Taylor Swift for example. The upside of this for me was that tickets were only $NZD70 with an intimate crowd of about 200 packed into a stinky club. I've been following HEALTH since 2012 when they did the score and soundtrack for Max Payne 3. They've seen another surge in popularity in recent times with the success of their recent album.
Here's the only video I got of the show:
Obviously this video doesn't show it, but they did get pretty loud... I may be getting too old.
Something I wasn't expecting for the last song, was for a pit to open up in the crowd. I know it's a common occurrence at metal shows (not sure about industrial?), but after being on my feet for 3 hours, I wasn't ready to keep my partner and I upright while fighting off broccoli heads flailing their arms at each other.
I complain, but it was pretty fun - a good and moist night was had by all.
They were opened for by Grecco Romank, a local NZ techno* group who were also pretty great.
Also, that weekend... I finally officially proposed to my now fiancé on our 10th anniversary. Yep, she only had to wait 10 years for a ring... oops - and you thought I was bad at procrastinating around making music.
Speaking of music, I've been stuck in a writer's block for a while, pretty much since I hit publish on https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/1392178
I was hoping to get at least one thing published here for every month of the year, but once February came and went, I quickly lost motivation. There's a trance thing I've been working on since early February, we'll see if I eventually get the motivation to finish it.
I've also been working on my personal health (pun intended??), so maybe that could result in a clearer mind for making music? We'll see.
Anyways, that's it for me... for now. A few quick shout outs for people who have been up to good stuff lately:
- @Creeperforce24 for a number of great tracks lately, with constant improvements... in FL Studio Mobile, no less.
- @OVERSCORE who is currently midway through dropping their album on Newgrounds.
- And of course @ADR3-N, who never misses when releasing something new.
BONUS - Dinner:
Thanks so much man, I always try my best… I know my samples are shit, I know my quality isn’t great, but my quality of effort is something I’ll never decrease.
Thank you for listening to my stuff.